Dr. Rob Owens strongly believes that optimal performance in work and in life is contingent on the communities we belong to (and the communities that we create for ourselves). He understands that our respective communities of practice are what centers us, inspires us, and helps us to become the best versions of ourselves. Therefore, Dr. Owens believes it is the role of the consultant to help clients foster positive change and growth within their communities and when that growth or change is not possible, find alternative sources for inspiration, healing, and empowerment.
Over the course of his 25+ year career he has held leadership roles in several professional and grassroots organizations. He has spent much of his professional career in academia designing and implementing
professional development programs, and teaching courses in leadership, organizational development, coaching, and diversity and culture. Dr. Owens retired from academia in 2022 to pursue coaching and consulting full-time. He is a board-certified coach, certified mental performance consultant (Approved Mentor), and a licensed clinical mental health counselor and has consulted with leaders in technology, higher education, healthcare, business, public safety, sport, and the performing arts since 2011. He draws from a whole person approach to empower individuals, groups, and teams to perform optimally.

Dr. Owens earned a Ed.D. in Kinesiology (Sport Studies and Sport Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He also received a M.Ed. in Higher & Adult Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Owens went on to complete a M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at North Carolina State University. Prior to that, he completed a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University. Throughout Dr. Owen's career he has served in roles such as professor, consultant, leadership coach, and counselor.

From the Olympics to the Office and the OR: Applying sport psychology principles to business and medical settings. Presented at the
Association for Applied Sport Psychology 37th Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX (2022). -
It’s not about not being a racist: Going beyond multicultural competence into anti-racism praxis in sport psychology. JFK Sport Psychology Program, National University, San Diego, CA (2022).
Challenging ethics topics for consultants in training and CMPC supervisors: A collaborative approach for examining ethical case studies. On-demand workshop for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology 35th Annual Conference (2021).
How diversity and inclusion promote organizational citizenship behaviors, organizational commitment, and organizational justice within applied sport psychology organizations. Advancing Organizational Diversity in the Association for Applied Sport Psychology: Four Models. Symposium for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology 34th Annual Conference (2020).
Cultural considerations for applied sport psychology trainees. A workshop
presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology 34th Annual Conference (2020).
Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)
International Coaching Federation (ICF)
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)